After we got off at the pass box for a quick look at the train station of Genova - Casella, before taking the road home.
And after all this ... alas, we ended up in Manesseno, and without being able to use the shortcut of going (one-way towards the valley) we had to cross the roads, the railway station to return to Bolzaneto.
It 's a pity that, in the name of industrialization, some parts of the city have been sacrificed so heavily in their scenic beauty just because they are far from the center. Countries such as Bolzaneto Manesseno, Serra Riccò, while surrounded by mountains, very beautiful, are experiencing the deterioration of neighborhoods ignored by the government which is expressed in asphalt filled with potholes and patched as best, traffic congestion, no care of the urban landscape and with evident visual degradation of the riverbed that is the buildings that overlook the valley.