slows the travel of the Val Maira, who after two consecutive victories, does not exceed a goalless draw with Verzuolo.
Guests in search of salvation points, you are defending well and our own, while retaining control of the match, struggling to create a hazard by the parties of the opposing goalkeeper.

the second time Mr. Leonino all the evidence to bring home the entire stake by placing fresh forces and testing a more offensive form, but it remains stuck at 0 to 0 and so the hosts have to settle for a point.
EDUCATION (3-5-2): Belliard - Donadio, Alberti (CAP), Bergese - Balla, Leonino L., Oberto (Coero), Pellegrino (Degiovanni) Dutton - Brignone, Beltritti (Garner).
(Barbero, Chiapello, Gariup) Herds S. Leonine
Brotherhood - Madonna Bruna
Contardo Ferrini 0-2 - 0-2 Ronchi
Costigliolese - Youth Centallo
Paesana 2-2 - 4-2 Valvermenagna
S. Chiaffredo - Valle Stura
Villafalletto 1-0 - 0-2 Ardor Busca
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