Monday, January 25, 2010

White Marks On Plastic From Dishwasher

Chiusi Della Verna 1-0 - 2-1 CASTELNUOVO


A really cool and immune to the stinging rays of the sun shining above the sky of La Verna, has welcomed the two teams took the field Saturday.
Frost, as well as freezing the muscles of athletes, nor has frozen the ideas, limiting the entire first half to kick keeps on hitting, free of any scheme of football. The
Castelnuovo, free and Mattesini Innocenti, is without ideas, Chiusi understands and tries to move forward but never hurt.
At halftime Mr. Innocenti try to load her, but the result this time is futile.
The second time as the first part, an icy village without much emotion, as long as a proud good work from the orchestra closed-end side, the opponent receives tip undisturbed in the middle of the area and took the lead the hosts.
The reaction of Castelnuovo's hard to leave, and closed with his doubles neoentrato bevendosi half gialloblù defense.
In the end, too late, the Castelnuovo shortens the distance with the returning Donati (his beautiful header). In
recuperissimo Sgreva could riagguntare so exasperated the draw but weak kick a few meters away from the goalkeeper.
One happy note: the return of Donati
Castelnuovo A bad with a bad ranking.

Giannerini, Tanca, yearns Valdarnini
Ghirelli, Dini, Necci
Sgreva Andreini
took over: Magnani, Patrocchi


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