Saturday, March 12, 2011

Glands Painful With Alcohol

Area hardship, Jonathan Franzen

discomfort zone is the first book I read by Jonathan Franzen. I was not yet clear perception of the credit enjoyed by this writer, in Anglo-Saxon countries and not only: to take a look around on the Internet and you understand how the launch pad, near the peak of the upslope. In light of this, I was disappointed discomfort zone. It 'a text that presents itself as a narrative memory, a reconstruction scenarios of childhood / youth Author: glimpses of home life, portraits of family and friends, memories of school. It is written partly ad hoc, partly reassembled after being published piecemeal in various magazines. Ideas travel AC now offering something interesting, some apt maximum life and non-trivial, now penetrating nell'aneddotica more extravagant (the description of the joke with a lot of doodles to the pole of the flag is almost embarrassing as it is boring and incomprehensible ). Overall, the book sails on acceptable levels until the last section, titled, with the now usual nonsense contribution (in the usual American novels of recent years), my problem birds. Here, here, you have the distinct feeling that the author entirely loses the thread of the story: a raw, without any link, insert an extensive discussion on birdwatching, listing species, pointing out ambushes, referring sites and stages of his travels. An aside surreal, pulled a joke for long that the end does not explain anything and does not lead anywhere. In Zone discomfort writer accepts the risk of merging with the main character, but does not know how to work it out then: the result is this gallery of snapshots scombiccherata incoherent, like so many pieces of a collage put there by chance, or rather stuck in a false after the tragic decision to editing. We can try to consider the best parts, more as a favor to that Franzen to fulfill a vague criterion philological Area discomfort does not differ from the average American's latest production, that of writing schools, so to speak, a real assembly line of narrative ideas, the latest step in a process of degradation, a monument to the "normalization" of writing. An operation that failed even to Soviet Russia.


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