I began to translate the Latin many years ago, by myself, with great patience, some heels, plenty of exercise. The reason? It seemed to me important. Leonardo da Vinci himself began to study it is already quite advanced in age, he came from a technical and felt the need to bridge that gap. I did not need further guarantees. I never believed the lie of the dead languages, because nine times out of ten the people expressed in this way has no linguistic practice. Do not know, for example, that the expression "dead language" is a misnomer, for the simple reason that a language never dies, but it evolves, it becomes something else, in a historical, social, anthropological, to say the least unpredictable . I will not be here talking about archeology of the social sciences, I will not be here talking about the history of the language. I realize how difficult it is to communicate well in a few lines, the heritage of beauty and intellectual growth that we encounter in the study of an ancient language (and contemporary, of course, but the modern languages \u200b\u200bhave the status of "economically productive "and did not need a defense): you chew items that have a different consistency than our words reflect a deep knowledge, rooted in our culture and our consciousness in the linguistic fabric is its perfect location. No coincidence that the best way to understand a civilization through the study of his language, as Foucault said: meanings are deposited in the language, social, civil and scientific achievements, but also sudden collapse, decay and corruption. Latin, greek, Aramaic, Sanskrit, and so on is our home, and not, as someone says buff, the dialect, which is merely a local deviation of spoken Latin. Languages \u200b\u200bare not dying, but our ability to understand and to establish a contact with them, make them enter our lives because it makes us stronger, more aware of us and what we now trivially, is defined identity. You can make wonderful discoveries, surprises are not lacking in the linguistic universe that is below us. Do not over, but below, because we are allowed to walk only on the shoulders of giants.
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