do not usually write about essays I've read, I seem to run dry, not to ever hit the point, so dull to repeat what the author has already said . In this case I would make an exception. For the high seas Open Eugenio Scalfari is primarily a location: intellectual ride halfway between reflection out loud and open discussion on the great theme of modernity. Talking about the test in the strict sense would be misleading even before reductive Scalfari's latest book offers a perspective on a subject, revisits, in a high rate of quality pages, themes, readings, a curiosity of life designed, and designed in a broad sense, according to the great cultural bulb is modernity. Scalfari does not attempt to definitions: the whole essay is basically one big answer to the question: what is modern? The book attempts an answer: it identifies the source in the Essais of Montaigne, follow this thin wire through the pages of Hegel, Nietzsche, Rilke, Proust, Leopardi, and then find the end of the road, perhaps surprisingly, in the furthest reaches of Montale and Calvino. Modern, for Scalfari, is all that is opposed to dogmatism, which creates a doubt in the conscience, which places the reason (and reason) as the only lighthouse in the sea of \u200b\u200bideas. The disconsolate thesis is that we have gone beyond that stage, delivered to a return to barbarism, twisted in a perspective that is out of the great models of the past, to surrender a nude model new, and disturbing. What is this near future, it is still difficult to say. For the high seas is a reading stimulating, intelligent, which offers a more affordable level, the basic tools to approach the ideas as well: just what is now more systematically ignored, ridiculed or worse. Scalfari us back to this dimension of intellectual forgotten to be rediscovered by proposing it as indirectly to earn back the voice of the self, the repository of choice for dignity, independence, critical thinking, all those antidotes that a certain consumer society has tried all his forces to cancel. Beautiful and original pages on Rilke and Hegel, a certain feeling of well-known in the comments on Nietzsche and Proust. Scalfari certainly proved more comfortable in philosophical reasoning that in literary. Venial sins to be addressed in a reading that book and in an age of instant mob of any kind back to the fore the issues high. The unique, in so short a life that is worth addressing.
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