Monday, March 14, 2011

Ranch King Snow Blowers

another idea of \u200b\u200bwealth

the Italian Constitution, Art. 9

The Republic promotes the development of culture and scientific and technical research. Protecting the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation.

remember well these words. Let us remember well where they come from and in what spirit they were written. Before you say that Italy repudiates war as an instrument of aggression against the freedom of other peoples (Article 11), first to specify that personal freedom is inviolable (art. 13), the Constitution provides that the culture, research and the historical, artistic and landscape of the nation should be protected and promoted. As good of all, I humbly add, and I do not think of betraying the spirit of the Constitution. This paper, in addition to being the dam more solid we have to face of legal barbarism, it also recognizes our right to enjoy the beauty in which we live is not a minor detail. Assign a value to the legal and legal policy automatically mean beauty, and which seem happy to move, to ban speculation, looting, plundering the wealth of all the particular cultural and artistic, in which Italy has its roots. The founding fathers wisely took into account the possible looting of the territory, mass rape, which would deprive a large part of citizenship as a common good. We know how that turned out: we see every day as the Italian artistic patrimony is not only increasingly prey to wretched speculation, but also of neglect, indifference and ignorance, even by those who, in the role government should protect this wealth, raise and make it more usable by every citizen. And not only Italian, since much of this beauty is the patrimony of humanity. It 'nice to see how our cultural heritage is really ours, and not some rich master, our , with all the implications and responsibilities that this concept includes, to the point that if it were to deteriorate or fall prey the concrete casting of some jackal authorized, we could not call out saying, cowardly: I have no claim. The Constitution, enshrining a right, also reminds us of a duty.


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