seen that despite the tragedy that is unfolding in Japan and despite the foolishness of the idea from the start, are trying in every way to rip off the public opinion in pro nuclear power, I try to write a bit 'of questions of the servant, or man in the street, or someone who knows nothing and is based on bits and pieces that picks up around.
1) Nuclear power in Italy was defeated by a referendum in 1987. I do not know that the referenda decay in value over time. Otherwise, even the status of our Democratic Republic is in peril.
2) Germany, the economically most productive in Europe, plans to gradually decommission nuclear power plants until the complete closure within twenty years. It follows that they are already focusing on other types of energy resources.
3) If Italy insisted on this line would be able to set up plants in the best case in twenty years, when nuclear power will most likely already passed and the most technologically advanced other forms of energy will sustain.
4) The problem of waste. No one knows how to dispose of them. Italy are still circulating in those twenty-five years ago. In the U.S., is seeking more than ten years to build a disposal center in Yucca, near Las Vegas, but so far without success. We may be how we organize to deal with this?
5) We are not able to handle ordinary trash, we were not able to spread the culture of recycling in all areas of the country, why in heaven's name, we should instead be able to dispose of radioactive waste?
6) Of course, when this story went in port, there would be a massive run-up to speculation and hoarding business area of \u200b\u200bprocurement, who would ensure the quality, timing and certainty of the results? Let us remember the dire state of our logistics (see Salerno - Reggio Calabria and the like) and the pathological inability to keep Italian firms out of public malfeasance.
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